About our mission
Our main priority is to develop and maintain an effective plan to organize and deliver supportive social services to our homeless population.
Point-In-Time Count
The Point-In-Time (PIT) Homeless Count is a one-day street-based and service-based count and survey of Riverside County’s sheltered and unsheltered homeless population, which identifies how many people in Riverside County are homeless. Vist the Point in Time Count website.
Local Resource Guide 2022
Moreno Valley’s Local Resources Guide contains a list and location maps of organizations which provide services such as homeless shelters, emergency housing, food or clothing assistance, mental health assistance and many other vital resources. View the Local Resource Guide.
Our Programs
Find a variety of programs and resources to address homeless issues in Moreno Valley.
Homeless to Work
Our Homeless to Work program is a partnership between the City and a community non-profit agency to help preclude and/or reduce homelessness in Moreno Valley. The program helps prepare participants to transition to the active workforce by providing temporary employment while connecting them with resources to help overcome obstacles to their pursuit of gainful employment and permanent housing. For more information please call Vincent Fredborg with Salvation Army at 951.415.2971.
Grant Programs
The City of Moreno Valley receives funding from Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to perform a wide range of activities aimed at benefiting its low-to-moderate income residents and homeless. View list of grant recipients currently serving the City of Moreno Valley.

How to Help & Available Resources
Explore different opportunities to help our community.
Moreno Valley has a wide range of needs often served best by Social Capital, which is the social cooperation between groups as they work directly with one another to enhance the community’s quality of life. Moreno Valley is fortunate to have diverse Social Capital that includes a blend of civic, community, non-profit and religious organizations and businesses to work with neighborhoods and residents for the purpose of enhancing the quality of life in our community. Get more information
My MoVal
My MoVal is a place to help you engage with each other, community groups and organizations that share your passion for making a difference. Here, you will find the right opportunity for you to volunteer and enhance the quality of life in Moreno Valley. View our homepage.
County of Riverside Department of Public Social Services
The Riverside County website has various resources available to Riverside County residents and visitors, the site is designed to make it easier to access the many programs and services offered by the county government and non-profit agencies. View their website.
State & Regional Efforts
Explore different opportunities to help our community.
Statement of Principles
The Statement of Principles was created in partnership with regional stakeholders and the member agencies of the Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG). These principles address and acknowledge key areas that collectively must be worked on to spur meaningful change. View the statement of principles.
Homeless Coordinating & Financing Council
The Homeless Coordinating & Financing Council oversee the implementation of the Housing First guidelines and regulations and to identify resources, benefits, and services to prevent, and end, homelessness in California. View website.
Continuum of Care
A Continuum of Care (CoC) is a regional or local planning body that coordinates housing and services funding for homeless families and individuals. The program provides homeless assistance by leveraging funding needed through the HUD Consolidated Application, this provides collaboration between providers of housing and homeless assistance programs and other federal programs. View their website.